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Wailuku River State Park


Viewpoints of geologic and scenic interest along Wailuku River. Boiling Pots is a succession of big pools connected by underground flow or cascades and whose waters roll and bubble as if boiling. The exposed hexagonal columns that line the pools were formed by the slow cooling of basalt lava. The 80-foot Rainbow Falls is renowned for the rainbow formed from its mist many mornings. Legends say that the cave beneath the waterfall was the home of Hina, mother of the demigod Maui.

Waimea Canyon State Park


Rim overlooks of one of the State's scenic treasures - the deep, colorful gorge of Waimea Canyon. Viewpoint of Ni‘ihau Island; wildland picnicking and short nature trail. Adjacent forest reserve with long, strenuous hike into and out of the canyon. Seasonal trout ?shing. Pig and seasonal goat hunting nearby.

Waimea State Recreational Pier


Ocean Pier fishing and picnicking. Pole fishing (restrictions) and crabbing only
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